"an upright citizen has a basic civic responsibility to check on his fellow human beings, and even provide a statement to the police."
"an upright citizen has a basic civic responsibility to check on his fellow human beings, and even provide a statement to the police."
Cue commenters that don't know where to find their dipstick saying things like: "Land Rovers are unreliable, I know because my brothers friend had a Discovery for a couple of years back in the 90's and once the battery went flat"
I really like it. I mean, I've never been in one or anything, I live in the UK so the very concept of a massive, V8 wagon (with fucking wood paneling!) seems hopelessly exotic to me. My partner and I do plan to do a N.America road trip one day, and I really hope we get to do it in a piece of Americana like this, I…
Well I hope you like windscreens, then, because one day you might see one coming up on you. Fast.
Hotly debated topic, that one, but in my limited experience I would say RWD, largely because you can use the handbrake to "trick" the diff into sending power to the wheel that has traction.
Wouldn't that be your friends aunt?
I was wondering that, it almost had the look of Group B rally car about it.
I have a hard time imagining somebody owning one of these and not being a total douche.
America. Seriously. Sort it out, you're embarrassing everybody.
That is not considered to be a small sedan anywhere it was actually sold.
Pyongyang is not in Bhutan.
Not automotive but I just hate it when people use Baltics and Balkans interchangeably. Learn the difference between Slovakia and Slovenia while you're at it, too.
Yay! This is my local police force. Also, I hope to work for Ariel one day.
This is England, criminals here would consider that crass and vulgar. What what.
Did you make millions arming both sides in a bitter ethnic conflict? Or maybe your father ran off with the loot leaving people to starve after the fall of communism? Then Bob Forstner has the car for you.
Not where I'm from, it's not.
What is kosher salt? I keep seeing it referred to in recipes. I had thought it meant just that, salt that is kosher, and as I'm not Jewish I figured I can just use any old salt, but as this recipe is for pork I'm assuming the idea is not to try to make the dish kosher. So what's the difference between kosher salt and…