Doug Radcliffe

Nice to see some grown ups behave like grown ups for a change, well done guys.

Great to hear the kid's OK, but I can't be the only one wondering, what sort of wheels were they?

Pussy move? Absolutely not. You prevented the situation from escalating any further, I'm sure any cop would prefer you run a red light than have to deal with the consequences of you squaring up to the idiot. Bravo.

I don't know how much the Countryman has damaged the Mini image, but from the amount of them I see on the roads round here I'd still say it was worth it for BMW.

Honestly Jalopnik, stop with the Chuck Norris is a dude crap. Chuck Norris is a poisonous homophobe committed to making America look backwards. Do yourselves and your country a favor and stop promoting the cunt.

I'm confident CatalanCars2 is right that it is a Chevy Sail, meaning that's a kids bike, possibly 24" wheels? You can see that the rim is buckled (the edge against the car is pretty much flat) and I'm pretty sure I can make out some broken spokes although the picture's too fuzzy to say for certain. My best guess is

My first thought, also.

What's the amphibious looking vehicle he overtakes just as he's going into the tunnel? Is it a local tour company or something?

This makes me wonder when the vinyl seated utilitarian version of the larger trucks will be announced.

I know that diesels are nowhere near as common in the US as they are here in the UK, but I was under the impression they were not so rare in full size trucks. So, why, why, why no diesel option? To me this just seems ridiculous.

Man, after reading that COTD post the other day that's really funny. Apologies for my condescending tone

Ah. Don't I feel silly.

"And the world is a safer place for it. Ever watch Fast and the Furious about people who keep Illegal cars as drivers?"

It's lorry, BTW

"I had to watch bush mechanics in high school for English class"

Er, what?

There has been no shortage of socialists who have not gone on to become dictators (Giuseppe Saragat, Harold Wilson, Gerhard Schroder, Helen Clark, oh, and some bloke called Francois Mitterand, you might have heard of him, President of France from 1981 to 1995) and I'm sure Hollande will be no different. There are

What? Socialist? OMG Noooooooooooooo!!! Half the French population will be in gulags for telling political jokes by the end of the year! People'll be queuing for miles just to get half a stale baguette! And what if they invade Afghanistan?!!!!

Are you trolling or are you really that thick?
