Doug Radcliffe

@Interface_Revisions_Without_Co...: My favorite TLA is TLA (Three Letter Acronym)

Well it was found propped up on blocks so, yeah, I'd say someone nicked the wheels. I wonder what sort of state they were in, I mean, looking at the state of the car I'd say they must've taken some knocks.

The three options I can see are:

I would say Mercedes, I've never been to a country where they're not one of the most common luxury cars on the road, wheras I've been to places where BMW's are virtually never seen and Cadillacs non-existent. Add to this their reputation in the commercial and military vehicle markets and you've got yourself one hell

Only very vaguely related. Interestingly there was a riot in this street last week.

@Kaiser-Machead: It's the big alloys and low profile tyres that upset me, wheels like that don't belong on any Range Rover.

@mkbruin: Yup. I'd rock a MegaCruiser.

@wheatieboy: Funny joke is funny. Although I have to say his car is probably the least creepy thing about The Pope . . . . . actually, na, it's pretty creepy, too, it's like a kind of upright white hearse.

@AMGkiller: Good to see someone in the auto industry still giving their fans what they want.

I thought that right after I posted this, it's definitely the uglier of the two. Unfortunately Nibbles would let me edit the text but not the picture. The Mercs do seem more popular with gangsters. . . . I mean nightclub owning entrepeneurs in my neighbourhood, though.

I'm probably gonna get flamed for this but a car that says "I could afford a beautiful car, but I don't care about beauty. I could afford an awesome handling car but I don't care about handling. Basically I don't care about much, and I've got alot of money. Either I'm a gangster or I'd like you to think I am"

I don't know what kind of deal Gawker have with The Daily Fail (ever notice how all UK news storys link to it?) but let me tell you, it is not a respectable newspaper and never has been. As far as factual accuracy goes it probably comes somewhere between Fox News and Alex Jones' radio show i.e Not very. It is one step