
In summation, other than these 40 or 50 albums, post '95 alt rock sucked. Not to mention all the other music you didn't mention. How do you write a really long article about how there wasn't much good music and not realize the irony?

I agree with everything. That being said, Grandma's Boy was hilarious. And at least he tried, really tried, in Reign On Me….which no one saw and those who did, didn't like. Can you blame him for staying in his wheelhouse? Every time he tries to do a legit film, people make fun of him for that too. The guy just

Cersei might not be so mad at the prospect of no more Tywin Lanister. No one forcing her into marriages, getting between her and her son. Sure, she'll be mad that Tyrion escaped, but Tywin was the only one checking her power.

Hercules AND Superman are in this? Now I HAVE to see it. Wait…no I don't.