
honest don's greatest shits! The warped tour compilations! FUCK THIS ARTICLE

I have a lot of respect for the writing team, taking the LGBT romance and making it the whole focus for a first person exploration game. It's about as real as can possibly be evoked by text clues, audio logs, the music and so forth. I was a teenager in the 90s, it really resonated.

I think the issue is that they haven't evolved? In all of them, you follow a strictly limited and scripted hallway, receive dialogue or "notes," as context clues, and be entertained without mechanical challenge. It's fine, I personally really enjoy horror-theme walking simulators such as Soma, the Amnesia series,

It goes beyond eye-rolling though? The line about putting on the band's first record is so crass and limp it made me actually angry the first time it registered. Fuck outta here with that shit, I expected better from them.

As long as we can call Reflektor their Zooropa.

Why is everyone passing on the much more fertile racism of letting her be Japanese /on the inside/

So color me surprised that there was no discussion of the racial component to the cuckolding stuff. It's not simply enough that the bull is more masculine, alpha, whatever you want to euphemize it as, he's also <whispers> … black …

I'm not crowing about it, the whole thing seems kind of sad and tawdry. Which is preferable? that he doesn't see the issue with his opinions? Or that he consciously and dishonestly is choosing to protect a brand that in some gestalt way benefits from cultivating an attitude that it doesn't care about a modern social

Well I don't think that excluding women or minorities needs to be a core business practice. I'm speculating that perhaps they struck oil with this formula, and part of that formula is smugly ignoring social issues or flaunting taboos.

Let me give it another shot: if he's established a foothold as a brand that doesn't care about these issues, then it would be irresponsible of him to damage that brand by capitulating on those issues.

isn't this a major factor in the georgia animation industry? short-term contracts with no union representation.

I don't want to make a comment that could be construed as an endorsement of exclusionary workplaces or biased hiring, but isn't the current advertising demographic stranglehold pretty indicative that perhaps he knows what he's doing?

Came across as more charitable than saying "Doug spends his days freelancing, pumping out buzzfeed garbage, and maintaining several pornographic and pop culture tumblrs under anonymity."

Saw him in '02 or '03 and he was super late to the gig and very stoned. People in the crowd were pumped for him, and a group was all wearing a shirt with the spoiler punchline to one of his bits. He didn't react well to it, and he just seemed sad/tired.


I listen on tiny tinny earbuds and crummy pc speakers at work and it sounds… off. If i had an actual hi-fi i'd probably have ~opinions~

I mean the only way to really improve on this would be to get Steve Wilson involved.

he was getting paid

It tastes good (if you like that and/or are addicted), it gives you a performative way to "do nothing with purpose." If you want a reason to stand around outside for 15 minutes every hour, it's p. good?