Douglas Fur

If you didn’t WANT professors to stare at your boobs, then you shoulda got a double mastectomy or called him out on it by gouging out his eyes with a rusty spoon, you tease! I’m sick of women complaining about these easily-fixed situations and not sticking up for themselves!

Where do people think the fat went? Into the corset?

Also in my early 30s. I was super unhealthy in my 20s, but in my 30s, I eat right, exercise and sleep more. My hair looks better. I look 5 to 7 years younger than I did when I was in graduate school (and that was 6 years ago!)

if you’re the type of person who separates people into two types of people, then there are two types of people in the world: people who want validation from their relationships and people who want partnership

Yes, yes, yes, yes, and you bet your sweet ass! “Pam’s garden had gone to seed, but certain corners still recalled, if you squinted, the vestiges of the lush immaculateness that had made the garden such a source of admiration in earlier days.” (The garden is a metaphor for Pam’s vagina. And, like, America.)

Meanwhile, here in Canada, we’ll still have the Trudeau’s.

The whole “better safe than sorry” vein of “helpful” pregnancy advice is the bane of my 14-weeks-pregnant existence. I swear these people won’t be happy until I’m just going through life living off of kale and surrounded by bubble wrap. Fuck em, I say, and then I eat prosciutto and blackberries for breakfast.

I had cancer at 29 and a recurrence at 31. Every gray hair is a reminder I didn’t die when I was 29. Every wrinkle is another day I got to spend with my family and on the planet because I didn’t die.

This is so true it’s pathetic.

Oddly enough, I bet all of them would fall apart with their current infrastructure without women. CRAZYEEEEE.

I was one the best students in my jr high at computers. I was basically kicked out of computer science due to girl cooties once we moved into the high school building. Since I started high school in 1996 the fact my parents allowed this seems like an epic failure of both parenting and teaching.

that is really, really rough.

Ellen is interwoven for me with my own coming out. My parents were both fans of her sitcom, and had been watching up to that point, and I knew it. I, fourteen, read in the newspaper about how she was a lesbian, and was coming out on her show, and how big a deal this was.

And for people who are too young, she faced a firestorm for having come out; people demanded she be fired, certain radio hosts called her “Ellen Degenerate” and considered themselves fiendishly clever, and she was basically shunned by craven networks who feared losing their audiences.

I wish he could be in his last year forever; he’s been his best self lately! He’s probably gonna be a great ex-president too...

I get what he’s saying because Ellen was visible in a way no one in Hollywood had been up until that point. Still, as humble as he is, he’s been an amazing president for LGBT individuals (and the country at large, I think.) He pushed the repeal of DADT through (thanks Clintons!) and refused to defend DOMA (thanks

Eventually I told my (female, child-free) boss directly that I wanted to go on the trips too and she flat-out said “no, we’re a family-friendly workplace, we would never ask a mother of a young child to travel,” and I was like, “but I’m saying I WANT to go,” and she was just like, “no, mothers don’t want to travel.”

This is one of the institutional issues with sexism. She thinks she’s protecting young mothers without actually asking what they might want. I had to tell one of my senior colleagues that instead of not offering people opportunities out of some misguided sense of protecting them, they should just ask.

One of the female faculty when I was in grad school talked about a ~very~ derisive male member of a promotion (or tenure...I don’t remember the details) committee that she was on. The woman who was up for tenure/promotion had had a rough pregnancy, and had been on bed rest for most of it. She had had to take the

Ironically, in my case, I'm the breadwinner too. I appreciate the offers to go part-time if desired, but I find it fascinating that my bosses never seem to think that we might actually use the money I earn to, you know, live.