
Hard to do with a single shot, but sure!

I know, right?

Almost as bad as the “tacticool” gun nuts at the local range, all kitted out with camouflage everything, web harness for thirty-seven mags, and walking around heeled for no reason at all. Then they’re all proud that they kept every shot from their super-custom AR-15 clone on a torso target at 50 yards.

Except that both Seyfried and Holm are actually quite short.

Is this a reboot that people were asking for? Or is it just Sarah Jessica Parker’s need to try to reclaim her relevancy?  I always thought she was the worst part of the original series, and felt no need to revisit it in the two movies and certainly not in this geriatric reboot.

I thought “Irony” was Bender’s sister?

I do bake, frequently, and use the appropriate fat. Some things require “Crisco” or other shortening, but that is most definitely not margarine. Other things require butter. Most things are better with butter, but things such as peanut butter cookies and gingerbread require shortening. Actual lard works better than

Stop buying margarine. Not only is it gross, it isn’t your job to support your significant’s addiction to an unhealthy substance. Buy butter as the gods intended. She can eat it or not at her discretion.

I just wish my Dad, who was a huge chess fanatic, were still around to ignore that joke.

I really don’t understand why this is “news.” People are always ignoring the rules for dumb reasons, and I can’t imagine a ship’s captain is immune from this. No one was injured, it wasn’t SpaceX’s fault, and likely didn’t cost silly amounts of money.

It’s been my experience that most pickup truck buyers don’t use a pickup truck for its intended use.

Everything about this thing shouts “My name is Elon Musk, and I have no idea what a pickup truck is for or what pickup truck buyers want!”

I thought they were cheesy as hell, yet still enjoyed them because I know something about the Mod v/s Rocker culture they are referencing.

Bill Murray is getting a little old to reprise his part, but I bet he’s still game.

Dr. Bong wants his mallet back.

“Father The Chair?”

“Father The Chair?”

Robert Heinlein has had exactly one adaptation of his work (Predestination) that didn’t suck. Ursula K. LeGuin has had a similar amount of adaptations that didn’t suck. (The Lathe of Heaven) And Michael Moorcock’s novel The Final Programme was dubiously made into a movie in the 70's. That said, bringing a character

Mark Hamill is generally up for just about anything, so I can totally see it.  Dude just seems to enjoy being Mark Hamill more than most people enjoy being themselves.

Kid I used to work with back in the late 80's had a 350 SBC slotted into a Chevy Vega. It was considerably modified, with dual Carter AFBs (Might have been Edelbrocks) tunnel ram, headers, cam, and what-not. No idea what kind of horsepower it was putting to the ground, but he routed it through a 4 speed manual.