
I the original Oz novel, the shoes were silver. It was changed to ruby because silver slippers weren’t as impressive on color film which was a big selling point of the movie.

Fucking morons.

You can still buy a Gripen if you’ve got a few spare million stashed away.

Oregon Republican lawmakers have tried this stunt a couple times, and so have several other state houses including Texas. Sometimes it works, but other times it doesn’t. It works best when there’s some kind of deadline, such as when Oregon Democrats walked out in 2001 to stop a partisan redistricting resolution.

I like

Sure, you say that now.

Prove it.

Thou art welcome.

🤜🤛  💪  👍  🍻

This should be called the Biles maneuver. A double flip with a triple twist in the pike position while flipping off the judges.

I’m sorry about the painful divorce though. 

That’s pretty much how we did it the first time I got married. The only people really dressed up were the two of us and the four members of the wedding party. And they weren’t extreme. The two ladies wore cream colored cocktail dresses that they could wear anywhere, and the guys chinos and white shirts. I wore

If I ever get married again (unlikely) it will be a simple ceremony consisting of us and a few friends out in the woods to witness us jump the sword. Literally.

I had a “sigmoidoscopy” back in the 90's without anesthetic. It’s like “half a colonoscopy” but the probe is still about 3 feet long. It was uncomfortable, but not unmanageable. Mostly just like moderate cramps. The comparisons to anal sex are not apt. It isn’t the penetration that is the problem, but negotiating the

I pretty much agree on all that about Black Widow, except that Florence Pugh is fun to watch.  I look forward to more Yelana in future projects.

I was really excited about it, then saw it today. It was a serious disappointment. My advice: Wait for it to come out on Blu-ray and show up in the cheap bin. The writing is crap.

My brother, as some of you may know, is a piece of work. He has a whole slew of kids (13) of whom only about three still talk to him. He has, for 30 years, used his religion to justify just about everything he wants to do rather than use his religion as a guide to how to live his life. If you’re envisioning right-wing

“I meant,” said Ipslore bitterly, “what is there in this world that truly makes living worthwhile?”

A CRT is a Cathode Ray Tube, a kind of display device common in the 20th century for televisions and computer monitors. It works on the excitation of a phosphor covered screen by a beam of electrons guided by magnetic fields...

Another bit of evidence that there is no situation for which there is not an appropriate xkcd comic.