There are stalking laws, so try not to get too touchy-feely.
There are stalking laws, so try not to get too touchy-feely.
Robert Downey Jr. has unfollowed his former MCU costars on Instagram, sparking panic among Marvel fans, despite the fact that Downey Jr. now only follows 43 people currently and none of them are actors.
Red Dwarf ranks right up there with Fawlty Towers, The IT Crowd, and Black Books as some of the greatest television sitcoms to ever come out of the United Kingdom. I will accept Blackadder and Absolutely Fabulous as well.
Red Dwarf references always get a star.
Anecdotal, but interesting none the less. I always thought she was a mediocre actress but that’s just one man’s opinion.
All in the Family was ground breaking, and Archie was a character invented to make you think. He was a representation of a certain segment of the population at the time designed to make those attitudes look stupid, while at the same time make the people who disagreed with those attitudes have some sympathy for the…
Good luck to you! I’d watch that.
Listen now, I grew up listening to Cosby’s albums and they are a treasured part of my childhood. I watched Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids and enjoyed that cartoon. I still find the albums funny (not so much Himself which was a blatant commercial to promote his new TV series, which I never really liked.)
You are a savage, and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.
Come on. They’re both gorgeous, and have been professionally touchy-feely for years now. They’re both stupid not to take advantage of the opportunity to give the other a try.
Don’t be afraid to just cut toxic people out of your life. I’ve realized that I don’t need that in my life and I now have no reason not to tell them to get bent, even if they are family.
The combination of “Want!” and “Adorable child!” is hurting me. Stupid rental agreement and unstable job.
I have difficulty starring your misfortune, but felt it was necessary to encourage your abstinence.
The suspension and brakes are off-the-shelf scooter components, and you don’t “vacuum form” aluminum like that frame. I’ve just checked out their web site and they say “Our weld-free, single piece casting process is entirely unique to SONDORS.” I hate to break it to them, but casting aluminum components isn’t “unique”…
Right? Nearly 20 years of regular wins.
130hp is relatively anemic for a 4-stroke sportbike today, although you don’t see many 500cc sportbikes now. However the NSR500 2-stroke that replaced it started out making around 165hp and ended up making over 200 by the early 2000s when it was retired.
As someone who’s worked in manufacturing for a long time, that frame is unnecessarily complicated and difficult to make. As a one-of it’s fine. As a production item it’s questionable. It’s also the size of a Grom. Is it freeway capable? Perhaps. In theory. In the same way that a Honda CT90 is freeway capable.
Or rather:
There was no real “advantage” to it. It was simply a kludge in an attempt to get around some of the racing rules at the time. While it worked, the disadvantages of it outweighed the advantages of the idea. The idea was to try to get a 4-stroke engine to compete with the 2-stroke engines when the rules restricted…