
My mustache is still red, even though my hair is kinda golden-blond now.

“So much for your inheritance, kid.”

Awesome senses tingling!

Other than the sore arm around the injection site, I had no other symptoms. It really felt like a TDaP shot, which sucks because the Tetanus part of that combo is really thick. You can actually feel the lump.

Likely. I’ve heard that it hits people that have had it worse too.

I am actually happy for you.

Pffft. You’re just a wee thing. Forty. I remember forty. Back when I could still pass for twenty-five in poor light. (Seriously. This happened to me.)

I got my second on Tuesday. The only side effects were exactly the same as the first dose: Sore shoulder.

Nah, because then everybody would be lifers.

Call me! 😉

That’s derogatory of actual productive goblin members of society.

I doubt it caused the fire, but it certainly made it worse.  It was a shop full of oil and solvents and stuff, like any farm shop.  He’s a packrat.

That too.

The thing about LS conversions is, just like an ass hole, everybody’s got one.

Don’t laugh. A friend of mine’s father’s shop burned to the ground on Mother’s day. We still don’t know what caused it, but the Fire Department had a helluva time putting it out. It turns out that 20 bales of Costco toilet paper and a similar amount of paper towels is tough to extinguish once it gets going.

That’s what I hear. They cribbed the story for an episode. But it definitely happened. It was at the school where my Dad was teaching. He didn’t know her, but apparently her “boyfriend” was in one of his classes.

Giving judges a ton of room to account for circumstances has lead to plenty of white “excitable boys” getting token sentences or nothing, while black dudes with believable extenuating circumstances get extra harsh sentences because “existing while black and male.”

You liar.  I don’t believe you actually have Almond Joy bars in your house.

*Margot Robbie tweets Spike Jonze’s address, then hours later deletes tweet to replace it with a clown and hammer emoji.  🤡🔨

I want more stories like this. Good for him.