
That’s derogatory of actual productive goblin members of society.

I doubt it caused the fire, but it certainly made it worse.  It was a shop full of oil and solvents and stuff, like any farm shop.  He’s a packrat.

That too.

The thing about LS conversions is, just like an ass hole, everybody’s got one.

Don’t laugh. A friend of mine’s father’s shop burned to the ground on Mother’s day. We still don’t know what caused it, but the Fire Department had a helluva time putting it out. It turns out that 20 bales of Costco toilet paper and a similar amount of paper towels is tough to extinguish once it gets going.

That’s what I hear. They cribbed the story for an episode. But it definitely happened. It was at the school where my Dad was teaching. He didn’t know her, but apparently her “boyfriend” was in one of his classes.

Giving judges a ton of room to account for circumstances has lead to plenty of white “excitable boys” getting token sentences or nothing, while black dudes with believable extenuating circumstances get extra harsh sentences because “existing while black and male.”

You liar.  I don’t believe you actually have Almond Joy bars in your house.

*Margot Robbie tweets Spike Jonze’s address, then hours later deletes tweet to replace it with a clown and hammer emoji.  🤡🔨

I want more stories like this. Good for him.

It’s funniest when Cody (Jeff Healey) says it.

I know MTG is a crossfit nut, but I also can envision AOC calmly taking off her earrings and shoes and getting ready to throw down.


Don’t complicate this.  There is beauty in simplicity.

I don’t know the details of that, other than she accused him of rape, he was convicted, then after the details came out a judge vacated the conviction. She’s done this many times, often claiming she was raped by a satanic cult, or a former foster father. (Of which she’s had many.)

Ah-hah! I see you have noticed my cunning plan!

Now playing

Otherwise known as the “Dalton rules of etiquette.”

That’s nothing. Back in 2000 we had a 31 year old woman pose as a teenager for years, even graduating from High School and having a teen boyfriend, as well as an older boyfriend who went to jail for “having sex with a minor.” She was actually 28 at the time.

It doesn’t pay near that good and the working conditions suck. The good news is you drive nice equipment. The bad news is it’s one of those companies that is difficult to get on with.

Lots of owner operators still out there, but none of them are driving anything that looks like a new truck. A lucky Owner Operator is driving a 10-15 year old truck.