Sorry, but I’m just not seeing it.
My Dad was a high school English teacher until he retired (he’s dead now.) Back in the 90's though he was a popular teacher who had a cadre of students who’d come around to his room and play chess and hang out during lunch and before classes.
Of course. In countries such as Switzerland it’s a requirement. Everybody in Switzerland is a member of the reserves. (Also, shooting sports are very popular there.)
You’re mistaking “the left” with “Democrat.” LaRouche’s whacko ideas and policies are closer to far left than any other conventional political theology, but he certainly cannot be considered a Democrat. The Democratic party of his day was very center left (and has become more so) and resembles Republicans of the 50's…
Actually, legally, he can and probably will. Several people have done so. Famously, Lyndon LaRouche.
Interestingly enough, in some country’s military reserve (equivalent to our National Guard) firearms and their bolts must be stored separately. An interesting idea. Easy for a bolt action rifle (or most bolt action rifles) and only moderately more difficult for something like an AR or Kalashnikov.
There actually are bolt action AR-15s. They’re kinda dumb, but designed for places were semi-auto rifles are not allowed or are heavily restricted. Places in Europe for instance.
If it’s an old Sears bolt action .22 it probably is a “J.C. Higgins” (I have one) which is in fact made by Marlin. They aren’t actually worth much. When he said “worth money” he actually means the difference between a $50 rifle and a $100 rifle. Old .22 bolt action singles are a dime a dozen. If it has a detachable…
Not strictly true. The M-4, AR-15 and M-16 are all hammer fired, as well as the ubiquitous Kalashnikov family, the AK-47 and the AK-74. As were their predecessors like the M-1 Gerand, the M-1 Carbine, and the SKS.
No embarrassing stories really, because learning to drive was fairly painless. Except for the very first lesson and it was no fault of my own.
Hahahaha! I knew a guy back in the 80's who used to do that all the time on purpose! He had a decrepit early 70's Ford station wagon, and we’d be going down the Interstate at a statute 55 mph (which was in actuality probably 70 mph) in the middle of the night when he’d shout “Hold on!”
When I first read this article I only gave a perfunctory glance at the accompanying photograph. Now, a day later, I noticed the girl front and center, clearly wearing a United States Flag as a cape.
I don’t think they’re confused. I think they’re betting on it.
Also, the album is perfect and is his best solo album. This is not debatable.
And the other one is a Lotus. What’s your point?
Apparently a whole string of people, but also he was generally a jackass to his wife.
I hate the whole Natasha/Bruce relationship on all sorts of levels, but that one has never been it. It always felt like it came out of nowhere, with Nat being portrayed as little more than desperate for a romantic relationship and none of the other guys she works with are available so she settles.