Douglas Bull

Doesn’t Adam actually have a dog in the beginning of HR? When Sarif is attacked, and Adam is recovering, nobody could take care of his dog, and they had to put it down. I’m all but certain there’s an email about this on his computer at home.

She knows she’s royalty.

This is an Italian man suing a Japanese company.

You think that’s bad....

I would LOVE to hear the story behind Breath of Fire II’s “localization.” It’s considered one of

Next on Fox News: “Why is President Obama spending so much time pole dancing instead of fighting ISIS? Stay tuned for part five of our 17 part series on why Obama is the worst president in the history of everything.”

Isn’t this the guy that molested his transgender niece? The guy that “nice guy” George Clooney punched out on the set of “Three Kings”? The guy that Lily Tomlin lost her shit at? WHY do people continue to make movies with him, and why do people continue to throw money at him to fund said movies?

This! Here’s a screenshot of The Last of Us running on a PC:

Oh, snap! A Cylon!!!

Press X.

Konami: “Everything starts from Kojima, and as long as Kojima remains he can become GOD, and that is why we are taking it upon ourselves to revert Kojima, back to nothing.”

There are deniers, and a big attitude of sweeping what they did under the rug, whereas some nations have put their hand up... well actually... only Germany...

Because one atrocity cancels out the other.

Maybe don’t outsource your boss fights this time.

Otsuka’s most iconic role to me is...

Finally, we get a city simulator where you don’t have to play offline.

But, but...he didn't lift as much stuff.