
I think you probably have no direct experience with BSA to say this- certainly none recently. Probably ever though. STEM is built into the very core of the activities before it was even a Thing. Leadership, kindness, respect, working together, and on an on. These are what being Scout are all about. No religion or any

There are no specific religious views forced on anyone, as per the Scout Handbook and at the leadership training level. Don’t let some bad press make you think it’s been “taken over” as it’s not.

Those views were from a small minority who sort of took control for a while. They are not traditonal to the way BSA conducted itself, and are not the norm at the troop level at all. Like any huge organization, you could cherry big some people or individual troops that are intolerant; granted. But that applies to many

Yeah- not an issue at all- unless maybe you are already in a deeply conservative and religious area of the country. In which case: why?
No seriously though, there are many avenues open for boys who are atheist or agnostic in BSA and any good Scout leader will make accommodations for them. It wasn’t even an issue 25

I think basically it can come down to this: right or wrong Girl Scouts has never had an equivalent goal or honor of attaining Eagle Scout. Having gotten there myself, I can personally attest that it’s HARD work- and requires one to go WELL beyond average participation in Scouting. It’s why only around 4% of boys in