doughnut whole

The correct answer is Corky Romano

"i might have me a stick."

That's such an underrated song!
Edit: I'm not kidding, this song came up on Pandora no more than 6 minutes after I typed this! That's a fucking algorithm!!

I see what you did there!

It's all up and down and up and down for a few minutes and then,, just like that, it's over.

It was almost as if he were channeling Nicole Kidman

No, that was Scarborough

I believe in Utah they are called "darns".

At least that's what Missing Persons said.

I see what you did there

As a live tv news director, this gave me indigestion just watching it. I believe the BBC uses some of the same automation systems that my station does, and when we first installed it about 25% of my newscasts were pretty much just like that. The way the system is set up, you don't have anything to cut away to except

Does this version have the same "No Bra" policy that the original did?

Oh please. Like that would stop him. He doesn't know (or care, if he does know) about shit like rules. He's the president - he said it himself yesterday.

I meant that no children WOULD be hearing it since generally they would already be in bed by this time. The FCC always has a thing about kids hearing or seeing things that they (the FCC) thinks they shouldn't be exposed to. That was their argument about the Janet Jackson thing - that it was right in the middle of a

I think they're going to have a difficult case since this aired after 11:35PM. It can be argued that no children should be hearing this - even in Central Time.

As I was shaving this morning I repeated the shorn scrotum line, as I do every time I have shaved since I fist saw the movie.

Shouldn't that be "Ballers" Rob Corddry?

Betamaxes in West Virginia? Please!

And calls Tom "Jasper" because they were originally "Jasper and Jinx" and they didn't bother redubbing the voice

While wearing a zoot suit. And then Jerry played Tom's whiskers like a stand up bass.