
As a college student, I had a job working in the library, across the hall from the best bathrooms on the entire campus. Best pooping spot for miles around. It was a nice, fairly new building, and the bathroom was big and clean and well-lit, and there was never anybody else around. It was great. Except for the one day

This is charming and funny, and also probably a really good way to get kids to eat their vegetables.

It really is a beautiful piece.

No, that’s someone being thoughtful and critical about their own choices, and you being kind of an asshole about it because the t-shirt question is something you feel like you’re above.

This is a needlessly judgmental response.


There is virtually no situation where drinking bottled water is morally defensible. We have cups and mugs and re-usable water bottles. We have tap water, and when tap water is unavailable or dangerous, we now have boxed water. I swear to god, our grandchildren are going to look back at the way we use plastic now and


Go fuck yourself, you piece of human garbage. :-)

Holy fucking shit, you’re a monster. First and foremost: these are children. They are not responsible for their parents’ financial situation, and they have growing bodies and brains that make it especially important for them to be getting decent nutrition.

This painting gets me every time.


Boycott is not the only way to put pressure on the fashion industry. There are lots of ways to push for change. But doing nothing is preferable to undermining and shitting all over the people who are actually doing anything at all to make things better by complaining about how change is hard.

That’s a load of bullshit, and you’re letting people of the hook.

Jesus fucking christ, change doesn’t happen SPONTANEOUSLY. We push for the changes we want, we take collective action, and that’s what creates the incentive for people with influence to actually help change them.

So because some white people “bristle” at discussions of racism, we should simply not care about building a bigger coalition of allies fighting for social justice?

When people come out and say “we need to change things,” and your response is “well, this is now things are,” that’s not really any different from saying “well, this is how things should be, there’s no need to change.” Get the fuck outta here. There is no “that’s just the way things are” when it comes to social

Opinions, by definition, aren’t verifiable facts. Your opinion can be bad regardless of whether or not I can “show you where you’re lying.”