
And if you’re getting good healthcare because of it, and also getting all the peripheral benefits of living in a society where everyone (including people who are poor and people who are mentally ill) can get the healthcare they need, and also not paying for your own health insurance (and the attendant enormous cost of

Universal healthcare is expensive, but that’s completely irrelevant. The relevant question is whether it’s more expensive than our current medical system. It’s not.

Oh, I know a kid (biggest piece of shit I’ve ever met) who voted for Trump because he likes his “style,” and he thinks that it’s what America “deserves.” This guy is not white. Also, this is in DC, where Trump got 4% of the votes. Literally less than 13 thousand people. Only the most hateful shitheads voted Trump here.

Oh, good. Honestly, you never know. People are terrible.

Now playing

This is about ranked-choice voting (also called instant-runoff—it’s the same principle). It’s worth a watch.

Runoff voting prevents spoilers. It’s more democratic than a winner-take all system where a plurality (instead of majority) can win.

Was ... was she serious?

That is depressing.

Exactly, yeah. We want to sanitize it.

Just think about how hard it would be to find a good medical professional who was willing to use their training to murder people for a paycheck ... You have to guess that the people performing these executions aren’t exactly the most skilled.

They were totally read by adults back then.

Okay, let’s say “widely understood” by people who aren’t total bigots.

Year, I hear that. I’ve had a similar experience—with all the political doom, it’s just a lot harder to bounce back from any other bad shit. Like, I’m getting over being sick, and I’ve had a bad couple of days at work, and ordinarily I’d be capable of taking it in stride, but it’s just ... tough. And it’s not like

Sure. Doesn’t really have the same ring as “castration.”

I’m trying as hard as I can to avoid burnout, but I think I hit my tipping point with Gorsuch’s confirmation. I’m still sort of in denial about that one. Most other things that have been done by the Trump administration can be undone to a great extent. That one can’t be.

Ah, I forgot about that! His perfect custard.

If only!

Ah, Martha! I think Martha is my all-time favorite. She was charming.

Okay, I definitely agree with her take on Piers Morgan, and she seems like she’d be pretty cool in person. But she seemed to have, like, CLINICALLY low self-esteem (I say this as a person with some similar issues myself, and great deal of sympathy for her), and I feel like it was probably not a great idea to put her