
Stumbled across this rusty Alfa just yesterday:

Yes, this. Getting overly attached to an inanimate object will only lead to hurt, as I learned the hard way. I like my car, I enjoy driving my car, but I don’t love it. If it were gone tomorrow I’d be fine.

No truer words have been spoken today.

Even on my rustbucket it would be about 120-something. I know this, and I’m not proud I determined that.

This, inverted. *shudder*


Wish I could give you more stars.

Indeed. It was a shame for Neuville. Those i20s look awesome too.

Was on pins and needles watching that Power Stage last night. (Or lack of power in Tanak’s case)

Don’t give Hollywood the idea of a rheostat or potentiometer attached to a lever, please!

First time in Vegas, true story, I won $150, coin-slots. Next night, I lost $100-something, and I stopped.

I’ll admit it - I laughed at this.

Ah, that makes sense, thanks.

Looking forward to the next clip. I suspect something will try and escape the confines of the hood but for his sake, I hope not.

Sounds like fun. My bud did the same, on his own car, though, and his intake manifold grenaded, so props to the Caddy.
