Wow. The Hamilton hate is real around here.
Wow. The Hamilton hate is real around here.
My God. That kid would’ve been toast if it were in Virginia. I mean, last year I was doing 10-12, no one ahead, no one behind, on a 2-lane state road and got hit with a $150 fine. Like everyone reiterates, Don’t F*ckin’ Speed In Virginia.
Acknowledged. A VR6 Auto tho? The manual is so much fun!
Tavarish probably redlined it and popped the clutch a bunch of times, then took it on a canyon run to burn the fuel off, then flat-spotted the tires at some point.
Ah ha ha. That ‘4 Ram Pickups’ line got me.
The only time I ever watch NASCAR is when it’s at Watkins Glen, and it isn’t half bad. On the ovals - zzzzz.
Have never, to date, forgiven them for destroying the Mazda Furai.
I have one of those, an ‘03 OZ. (hence my username. I concur - they’re slow) I beat on it to death every day, it’s got 220K miles on it and it starts up every morning, without a wisp of smoke from the exhaust. Granted, I change the oils regularly.
It’s a boneheaded move. They just want to sell their new expensive-ass wireless headsets.
My bud and I, some days ago, were talking about how unconscionable that vampire is. I will join you, sir, in the Ann Coulter hate club. I’ll bring my pitchfork.
If VAG put the Polo R for sale, or Hyundai the i20, I would seriously think about it, no bullshit. I mean, they’re road legal, right? Maybe not in the U.S., but still.
One’s Magic Man and the other El Diablo, Stef.
If they bring the hatch back I’ll get one and unabashedly daily-drive that mofo forever.
I too must admit I first assumed he wrecked it because of maintenance issues. I thought it was all hyperbole about Audi’s notorious reliability, or lack thereof, but my boss’ son purchased a used A4, 2.0T and maintains it’s the worst decision he’s ever made. That thing’s always in the shop.
I agree. The only thing these things are succeptible to is a rust-prone rear bumber, but that seems about it.
The 125cc bikes do look fun. Hell of a save. Team reaction was priceless.
Paddon, with his game-face on, (well, his ‘eye-game,’ since all one sees are eyes once he dons the helmet) is fascinating to watch. His sheer focus is incredible.
OK, that Polo R is just bonkers, noticeably quicker than the others. Good God!
I agree. It falls in the same category as “Ejecto Seato, Cuz.”