
I refuse to believe someone would type that with a straight Kinja-face, hence troll. Either that or a colossal idiot.

Hot damn! Hadn’t put that into context. That’s insane.

Good God, man, why you gotta ruin my morning with those faces, especially the crescendo that’s Cruz?

The fact that you’re talking that sh*t on this site means you’re trolling. Well done.

I’ll never tire of this.

Can confirm they’re indestructible: Maybe a decade ago, my counsin’s late 90s model started burning oil, so I asked her to check the level on a weekly basis. One week she forgot to screw the cap back on after she’d added some, as I later learned.

I stand corrected; it’s closer to the lower end of 2500 RPM - checked it this morning on the way to work. My 5th is virtually useless for anything other than coasting; have to downshift to pass. I must admit 3K is quite high, though.

Currently have a 5-speed Lancer OZ. (We’re Mitsu bros!) Wish i had a far longer 5th, coz with my aftermarket exhaust I buzz around on the highway at close to 2K RPM AT 75 MPH. Grating, after a while.

A bit of a stretch but yeah, precisely.

You, sir, get my star. 6 cogs should be maximum for a manual, coming from one who’s never owned an automatic. Close-ratio 2-3-4, direct drive for 5 & long overdrive for 6.

If a vigina hurts from that, knowing that freakin’ humans are conveyed through it and, furthermore, it was a knee-jerk response from her, then yes, that was a big crash.

Fiddlesticks. They have the money now, (probably) kept the same engineers and that’s all you need to be good in F1. Unless you’re McHonda, that is. Yeah, that’s my armchair expert opinion. Shoot, didn’t Kimi win the first 2013 race, if memory serves?

Smart move, I think - keep one foot in F1 & do Indy for a job, keeping him sharp, knowing either Haryanto will suck and he’ll get the seat next year, or Haas may pick him up in a couple of years.

If you’re trolling, nicely done.

Learned something today. I’d thought a heifer gained the status of cow after the first calf.

That bothered me too, I must admit. As does non-defferentiation between cows and bulls.

Wow. Really puts things in perspective. Now that I’m married and bought a house and thinking about starting a family, pinching pennies and all that, I’d much rather have the toaster. At least I have a Mazda 3 though.

I think nothing but a closed cockpit will work. (Can’t picture F1 with that, though)

I’ll give you that.