Doug Chu

I know, right? What an asshole for getting annoyed when strangers restrain you for some obscure reason that they refuse to clearly elucidate and then force you into their vehicle. I mean, he’s clearly “drunk” what with all the completely unreasonable assertions that he’s due an explanation of their probable cause.

*shocked face* TWO BILL COSBYS!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

not in the world of lazy commenting

Ok Bill Cosby.

So question - what if Big Dave is wearing a pink polo and skinny jeans?

If it was about a Lyft driver, the guy’s name would be Cliff.

Proposal: a daily Deadspin feature on how whoever starts in right field for the Cardinals played that day relative to Giancarlo Stanton.

Yes it was a cement, you’re confusing cement with concrete.

Let’s start with the guy deep enough in his feelings to whine about a tweet from a high school girl.

That dog whistle seems a little too soft for the megaphone Trump era. I think they would have said “These comments were politically incorrect in the extreme” to accomplish the end you describe.

Uh oh! They’re onto me *disappears into bushes*

On Tuesday, November 28th, two employees of KIOW made comments that were insensitive, thoughtless and degrading to others. These comments were deplorable, and the staff and management of KIOW in no way condones or supports these comments.

Charcoal is a testosterone supplement in reality, men shove then into our testicles. It’s one of the patriarchy’s most closely guarded secrets.

That’s honestly an astute observation. MJ and Kobe, at least from appearances, are pretty terrible. They are selfish and narcissistic, and I could never imagine wanting to hang out with either one of them. I’ll admit that LeBron has some humanity to him, and has had his moments. That almost makes it worse when he does

I think the main issue is that it never seemed like MJ and Kobe were anything other than crappy people. Bron generally seems like a decent guy, but occasionally does unnecessary cruel/bullying/dramatic things that would be par for the course for MJ/Kobe, but are weird b/c he’s not a crappy person most of the time.

See, Jordan and Kobe were absolutely spiteful, but they never came across as petty to me. Maybe that’s just the age we live in, and if MJ were playing in 2017, he’d be subtweeting some year old meme of a children’s cartoon show as well. Shaq, I saw as petty. Jordan and Kobe, though, I saw them as just psychopaths who

Yes, I agree! It comes off as off-putting, because for some people, they can’t control it, but for him, it feels like an act. Sometimes petty Lebron works, sometimes it doesn’t, but it’s like watching an improv group that hits a few times, but usually is juuuuust a bit off, but so close.

I think it’s we expect more from LeBron. I don’t want that to sound snide (realizing that it already does, though I sort of like petty LeBron!) here, I just look at LeBron’s approach to the game to be different than Jordan and Kobe.

It’s just so passive-aggressive, he’s like a walking version of a Post-it note on the office microwave.

Spot on about his pettiness; something about him irks me in a way that Jordan and Kobe never did, even though they were just as petty and spiteful. I think that hat is pretty much the cipher for why it feels like such a put-on, like an angsty edgelord wearing a misanthropic t-shirt.