
I know; please share with us how your method for stealing away from important business projects to keep commenting here.

No, just did nothing to deepen their 'everything's peachy in the 60's, no conflict at all' body of film work (except for the 'Yoko's draining the life from us' doc. Let It Be, which is about navel-gazing misery, not outward).


Paul needed to beat more women and more songs of peace and apology to make his mother's death artistically matter.

Elvis was already Godlike when the Beatles were still taking pep pills in Hamburg.

Then the aliens say, "Yeah, that's great, but could you put on Performance? I want to get laid tonight."

"We couldn't hear ourselves, waahh!! That's why we had to hide in the studio with millions of overdubs!"
Just stack some more amps and get out there, you precious ninnies.
("I listened to one of their albums with the vocals turned off and just the backing, and it was flippin' terrible." - Pete Townshend, 1966, The Kids

It's tempting to think of your personality in the same way…

Wow, Col. actually got the point; the racial politics of Girl makes it more historically and socially interesting than smiley white boys singing smiley white songs to smiley white people. Good job, little colonel!

While not sad little men who call themselves colonel on comment boards, the rest of us just make due with what we have.

Nah, he fucked Grace Jones and hung out in Harlem in To Live And Let Die; he would've dug that evil negro-influenced Stones music.

Lisa's wonderful fake titties would smother your little commenter's lungs in no time flat.

Is Hamm falling asleep on Pare's shoulder in that picture because he's as tired with the Don 'emotionally constipated/drunk lothario' role as the rest of us?

Paul's songs carry the album as best they can. Across is tired rubbish and Dig a Pony is yet more Lennon 'the Stones always copy us' rhetoric just as the Beatles are doing a live performance concept similar to the Stones Rock and Roll Circus a month earlier.

Again, Alien Jesus and his followers think differently.

He's an old pro who runs 106 and Park with aplomb (plus he banged porn star Lisa Ann; not bad).

According to Alien Jesus and the likes on his comment such a claim is puppy-kicking worthy.

Stormy Monday and his '90s SNL appearances beg to differ.

More like lead to Paint It Black, so all is forgiven. WYWY is what the skip button on CD players was designed for.

Yes, Variety in the '50s certainly used terms like 'racial divide.'