
You can take my cotton swabs from my cold, dead hands.

Nothing feels better than a Q-tip swiping against your ear drum.   I will never stop!

You don’t need to cut up fenders. Take one he has made and splash it to make a mold. This shape is super easy to make a mold of and once done you can make new ones as one piece in fiberglass or wet lay up carbon if you want.

I love milk and always have. I will defend my snow white beverage of choice until the end! How can you make real hot cocoa without milk? What would my special spaghetti sauce be without that dash of cream at the end? And dammit, YOU EAT CEREAL WITH MILK. I don’t wanna hear from you weirdos who eat it dry or whatever.

Heh heh heh.  Oh, white dot with blue tail, will you ever find what you’re looking for?

“Click on the ‘play’ button below to watch the video.”

I prefer this version

He found them in the toilet after a visit from Henry Kissinger...

Remember the Henry Kaufman film ‘Adaptation’? In Matrix 4 Keanu plays the Matrix screenwriter struggling to adapt the story. In desperation he writes Lana herself into the story. Eventually all the characters realize they’re just fictional characters in a screenplay and none of their realities are real. Oh, and Keanu

Oh man, the goddamn rollercoaster I have just been on

No need to pad the score against the Thai. 

I honestly think the best automatic for manual people is an electric car with heavy regenerative braking.

Good thing Hamburger Helper was there to assist...

Hey Sophie, Charlottesville is in Virginia, not North Carolina- that’s Charlotte. 

The first season was brilliant and surprisingly deep. So, count me on board. The emoji in the bandanna made me laugh. Because I’m a child.

Short memory, huh? A Model S drove over a commercial 3-ball hitch and gave the driver all kinds of notice to get out of the car before it self immolated. There was all kinds of scrutiny for it and autopilot didn’t exist yet.

“The reboot finally answers some of the mythology questions!”

Does this testimony come with a free Frogurt?

 Son of a bitch.