Doug DeCinces

I normally don't like when Doughboys guests take the piss out of the show, but Hayes and Sean are so charming, I could have them guest every week and be happy.

Other than the main event, everything else seemed underbaked and underwhelming (which is no surprise given the < 2 week build). This was the first Smackdown PPV I did not watch all the way through.

I actually liked his sincerity and candor for the first half of the episode. Then he just spent the latter half shitting on all that and reminding me why I don't like his comedy.

Are Chapo Trap House bonus episodes worth the money? I'm all for supporting podcasts I love via Patreon, but they have so many backers that I would rather use my money to support other podcasts. But if the bonus episodes are essential listening, I would consider dropping $5/month for them.