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“Lyanna Mormont being badassy and conquering EVERYBODY”
BINGO! Been saying this from jump. By far Blizzard’s best story arch. If this fails, (and it seems more and more likely that it will) We will never get to see that story on the big screen. And that is sad.
Welp... cancel the internet... the shit takes cant get any shittier from here. We’ve reached the shitpost Nadir
You do know that since ohhhh lets say the 1890's, those Dixiecrats have formed what has become the base for the republican party, further entrenched with Nixon’s southern strategy and acting as if the KKK isn’t a right wing organization, and doesn’t identify with that party (See Duke, David) is an amount of cognitive…
You mean when they win on Madden on your PS4 right? Or Xbox. You dont mean in real life. Even Giants fans aren’t that delusional.
This is all relative to take home pay anyway. They use 60k as a number in Philly. And the numbers would work fine AND make you comfortable if your TAKEHOME was 60k. With Federal, State and City Wage tax in Philly? Plus cost of living? Good luck living on 60k pre tax comfortably.
When did Snyder start using Cameron Kunzelman as a pen name?
Well, in this case, the roman solider that was to stab super Jesus found out he and super Jesus’ Mom shared the same name. So they had a bro off instead. And Super Jesus, having read this story before, allowed the spear to weaken him enough to be killed by plot device, so his death was spear adjacent if you will. Soon…
Also, how did Lois know Lex had Martha Kent hostage? Lex never tells her that and Supes couldn’t be bothered either.
Because Superman is Jesus remember? And Jesus was stabbed with the spear of destiny. Lest you miss your blatant, kick you in the crotch, spit in your face subtle iconography.
Yeah! Ignoring them like they dont exist has really shown them! Now go hold your breath and stomp in a corner! That tantrum should work too! Grow up Peter Pan.
A Re-quel! Coming July 2016!
And the ECTO-1 and the Fire Station AND the Proton Packs... feels pretty sequential to me...
So, as an Eagles fan, I can expect you to be signing Sam Bradford?
Let me guess, you love ‘Murica and wack off to your version of the constitution without ever reading it? Am i close?
It’s not that I think you’re wrong or that your opinions aren’t valid that makes me annoyed with this. Its that you’re such a butthurt asshole about the whole thing. If you dislike your readers, go do something else. Goddamn that was some self indulgent bullshit.
Just gutted. I dont do favorite wretlers. I don’t get caught up in wins and losses. They’re aren’t many wrestlers id pay money and say they are must see. Bryan Danielson was my favorite wrestler. You couldn’t take your eyes off of him. He was an avatar for fans. Im 5'8, 190lbs too. I like working out and I dreamed of…
I find the lack of Pugs disturbing