
It seems like Kevin is the guy you fuck, and Richie is the guy you marry. That's the way the show is leading Patrick anyway. I can't see any way Patrick and Richie don't end up together at the end of the series. Well, if we get cut off this season, maybe not.

The show is called Girls. Not Girls & Boys. It's baffling to me why both Ray and Adam have had more screentime than Jessa and (possibly) Sosh this season. Not that I like any of these characters - I just don't get it.

“The James Bond problem”

Ilana's mom was absolutely inspired casting. Wow! Definitely want to see her at least once a season. I don't have enough words for this episode. Best comedy episode of the year, for sure.

Ratings are still good, so season 7 is a foregone conclusion. Beyond that, who knows. The Goldbergs now outrates The Middle, so TM could even be moved to another night in the fall.

I haven't seen it yet, but I will completely agree on Sara Hyland. She is a wonderful comedic performer, and I can't wait to see what she does after MF.

I squealed with that shout out.

I just can't get on board with this show. I find it entertaining, but dramatic tension is busted by the fact that I know Elizabeth and Phillip are not in an real danger. There is no show without them.

Desperate Housewives was that show for me. It was bigger than GA during that first season - literally everywhere. Even The View devoted half their show every Monday to dissecting the episodes.

I loved Coven for the simple fact that it was entertaining. Even at its non nonsensical worst, there was always a Steve Nicks montage, or Gaborey being raped by a Minotaur. This season was boring. Just so fucking boring. For a show that features Amazon Eve, a bearded lady and the world's tiniest person, how could it

No kidding on the Bevers. I despise JG on Marry Me too (the reason I ducked out of the show).

While I'm tired of the show generally (although it is entertaining at times, which is why I keep watching), if you had told me in the first season that I would enjoy the comedic timing of Sara Hyland more than any other character, I would have scoffed. SCOFFED. But seriously, she has turned into a great comedic

Can I brag that I've only hear of one of these - If I Stay? And that's only because TWC on Demand keeps playing commercials for it every 10 second lately. Since the super hero craze ignited a few years ago I've lost almost complete interest in the silver screen - far better work is being done on the small screen.

But the show invites the comparisons to HE. Annie is a settled down Penny. Derrick exists in this universe. It's set in Chicago. I think if Caspe had done something different, with a different setting, the comparisons wouldn't be there. But he didn't because he wanted to call upon that HE fanbase, but make it easier

I did like Happy Endings from the beginning, but the first few episodes were a bit rocky. I was totally on board by the end, though. Season two led off with a series of fantastic, fantastic episodes, while the beginning of season 3 was rough for me as the characters became a bit too manic. They chilled by the

Dennah is the weakest character in that they haven't done anything at all with her yet, but I just hate Gil so fucking much. I hate the actor, I hate the writing for the character, and I hate the way the actor puts those lines on the screen. He's this show's version of Max, yes, except Max was never portrayed as

I thought it was a solid B+

Didn't care that much for The Middle. Heavy on situation, but light on laughs. It's been a good season overall, so it's to be expected.

Everybody here pretty much hit the nail on the head for me. The scripts are good, but the characters kind of suck. Especially Gil. I don't think I laughed once in this episode.

I hated S1 of the show until I realized that it was just a "throw shit at the wall and see what sticks kind of deal." So long as you go into it realizing that it's going to collapse under the weight of its own ridiculousness by episode 6 or 7, and just enjoy the spectacle, it's a great series. I think this review is