
By far the best episode of the season. This was going for True Blood territory,but this episode pulled it back from that nadir. I really think they're setting it up so that Gemma lives. Don't know how, but as they say, cockroaches and Cher and dirty old biker whores.

Like a said a few weeks earlier: a few dead bodies? Athena will get to that eventually. But let one old cancer ridden zombie get punched and she's all over that shit.

Oh come on, people are permitted to have their own opinions. Grow up.

I've never really liked Axl, and McDermott always came off as a terrible actor to me. He's not a kid, either - he's older than Jennifer Lawrence.

Loved The Middle. The only thing that took me out of the episode was the theater set-up. How the hell did Sue afford all of that? Pumpkins galore, hay, lamps, a wheel barrow of pop corn - and she's happy she came out with $50? Still enjoyed it though.

Cause Dave was white bread. Max and Brad were off being pumpernickel and rye bread, and while some people love those breads, they're just not my taste. White bread is just sorta there, not really being anything at all.

It's in the twee line delivery, which incredibly grated me about Brad. Gil has the same sorts of line deliveries, with the grating outrageousness of Max. I just really dislike his character.

I'm enjoying the show for the most part, but Gil is a very, very weak imitation of Max. I really dislike his character, and for me, he embodies the worst qualities of Happy Endings - a sort of cross between Max and Brad, my two least favorite characters. Kay is also another weak spot for me. Jake works fine as the

This show is such a pile. If it wasn't ending in a few episodes, I would be completely out. Sutter desperately needs an editor to pare these episodes down to size, but it seems that nobody is willing to stand up to him. I guess they've seen what happens to those who challenge the leader.

I think they may be including Stockton, where a whole lot of these murders seem to take place.

Massacre after massacre and sherrif whatshername doesn't bat an eye, but let there be a slapping between a whore and her father, and she's all over that shit.

Is it bad that I really don't remember what Juice did? Yes, the whole shooting of the cop, but what was before that? So much inconsequential crap happens on this show that I lose track. The intergang stuff bores the living shit out of me. It's a variation of the same stuff they're been doing for the last 7 seasons,

Is it really that unpredictable?

ABC burned off a summer series in the early 2000s called…. Wednesday 9:30/8:30 Central. Yes, it was named after its timeslot.