Says who? It generally out-performs most other companies AWD system - even Subarus.
Says who? It generally out-performs most other companies AWD system - even Subarus.
To me this is the greatest example of white privilege. If that was a brown or black guy, you can rest assured his ass would be in jail. Going 75 with 8 people in a car on a small back road? Black people are killed for less.
Yup. Colleges offer Masters degrees to charge graduate students. They pay PhD kids.
So that book survived without even one end burned? And who are the lords and ladies lording over in Kings Landing? Everybody and their brother is either dead or going back from where they came! And who the heck fixed the place up so it looked EXACTLY like before it was burned to the ground? I am convinced that HBO had…
I have a feeling that Daenerys will become the next night king. Anybody notice how she now looks exactly like her brother in season 1?
The MGC was a terrible handling car and inferior to the B in every way. Honestly, the Healy was as well but looked much cooler!
Unfortunetly, American’s won’t be buying this car. As a nation, the majority of us are too fat, too uninterested in driving dynamics and also big slobs. Small cars with nice interiors don’t matter. Subaru sells to young people because they are roomy inside to fit our fat bodies, have zero driving dynamics and plastic…
As an example of how times have changed, the British press felt that the Triumph Spitfire, and GT6 to a certain extent, were too soft and something a male hairdresser would drive. A Healey was the idea of a proper sports car.
When did it become OK to act like a ho?
Am I the only one that thinks the A007 looks basically like a Panamera?
All people can be bigots. Everyone. Blacks. Whites. Hispanics. Chinese/ East Asians. Indians/SE Asians. Africans. Everyone (in case I left anyone out). Being any one those does not excuse you of being a bigot. Race is complicated and in the USA, we pretend it is only a Black/White thing when in reality, it is much…
I like. The car looks longer than the current model, which I think was needed to improve rear seat room. Can’t wait to hear about the engine.
Honestly, I think this should be encouraged. Thin the herd of the stupid...
Yes, it was actually considered a safe car and had high safety ratings. But in today’s world, it is out of place. Closer to a motorcycle really. I always had electrical issues with my Midget and would get it started by just popping the clutch. Very easy and simple but made it hard keeping a girlfriend...
Any updates on this?
Yes, in UK, you only have to pay to fix the car. In the USA, you also have to pay to fix the people. Guess which is more expensive.
But honestly, you can just get the regular wheels and the tent option is fantastic. Honestly, the kids can sleep in the car and the parents can have the tent. Really. The Odyssey is fantastic for what it is. It will also get 30 MPG on the highway and when you need it to, will haul more than any SUV out there.
The 50s&60s produces some great and innovative designs.