
From the paper (my own emphasis added): "Our DRACO approach combines two natural cellular processes. The first process involves dsRNA detection in the interferon pathway. Most viruses have double- or single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) genomes and produce long dsRNA helices during transcription and replication; THE REMAINDER

@Willowroot —

@Willowroot —

@Willowroot —

@Willowroot —

@Willowroot -

@Willowroot -

I'd have to say a big disappointment of 2009 was the 5 minutes I spent reading this.

@Vishus: Hope I'm not reading this wrong... If I am, apologies in advance.

Love the Mercenaries series, it really gets a bad rap. For what it is, it's fun. Just wish Pandemic hadn't screwed everyone over by delaying the much-needed "cheat" patch for months. lol

@Voltie: Then take the sticker off... Oh wait: doesn't Geek Squad charge $20 to do that? ;)

And here we go again. I can't wait until we get that N'Gai guy to swing by and ramble on about how Resident Evil was racist again. Sheesh.

I actually had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Bushnell years ago while visiting the Stanford campus. He was really a great guy and surprisingly down to earth for someone who was basically the father of the modern arcade game...

A game where you race and attack other cars at the same time?

People still want to play this game? Wow.

Why is this here? Slow news day? Sheesh.