
I guess it begs the question, if they are in such demand, why aren't more being built? I'd still start with an existing town that is experiencing population decline. Rehabbing older houses with character, updating the downtown storefronts, etc. Younger families who otherwise would be forced to move could perhaps

Great info, I enjoyed reading it and learning from it. Some of the points could be addressed by an actual, existing town which is experiencing population shrinkage, adopting the "walkable" town concept. There are countless small communities that fit this description in all parts of the US. Many already have the

Given the aging population of America, this could be an excellent market for struggling small towns to go after. I'm 55, so this is even something I'm thinking about.

OK, here is my solution: Towns. They used to exist and they were great. Some enterprising individual or group needs to start a retirement town. And I don't mean a subdivision, but a completely self-contained town. There would stores, banks, doctors and dentist offices, restaurants, etc in a downtown area and the

My guesses:

I actually enjoyed Justin; Knows his product, enthusiastic about it and has a good sense of humor.

And what better place to park the El Camino than Daryl's home in Malibu, which is also on the market. [] Gee, I just linked my two favorite blogs; I feel like a matchmaker.

Your failure pains me and, though I fear distressing you, has completely destroyed my faith in what I regarded as the last sound rock in the rapidly eroding dam that I call a life.

I think we hurt he feelings and she's frantically searching the web. Ray could have helped her with this. He took photoshop in high school and made a picture of a dining room table that his mother uses to this day.

You usually find a tie-in somehow; weren't there any hot women wearing a tinfoil hat and posing semi-naked with a car?

I thought I had the perfect gift, the 1960 Thunderbird made entirely out of aluminum. Turns out it was made from stainless steel. Somehow this fits...

Run over to TTAC and Jack Baruth will explain why this happened. Not trying to plug the competition, but Jack's recent article on FWD was excellent.

I'm actually copying the following from a real estate blog that I participate on. If your realtor discusses yodeling then perhaps you might want to find a new realtor, but I digress...

The question is, Peter, did it work on the wife?

Who wants to shift on Robertson Blvd, someone might look at you and you wouldn't see them look at you because you were busy shifting. The maitre de from Ivy could text that a table has opened up and you'd miss the message because you were shifting.

2nd gear: So does this mean I won't be getting my $100 check and $1,000 coupon towards a new Honda? The lease on my '09 Civic Hybrid is up the end of April and I was going to apply the coupon towards leasing another Honda-something. I suppose that ugly b!tch screwed that up. I wonder if I can take her to small

I'm of the same mind and I'm wishing I wasn't such a stickler for details. There's an old saying, "you can change the handle and change the blade and it's still your grandfather's ax", but when you swap out engines and transmissions it isn't the same car, IMHO.

Wonderful story!

He probably takes all the money he saves from not having a life and spends it on R/C equipment. I take all the time I have from not having a life and spend it on Jalopnik and invest the money. Oddly, we both have nearly the same amount of basement to show for our choices.

That's interesting, I love trivia!