I bet the bread sticks weren't the only things hard that night.
I bet the bread sticks weren't the only things hard that night.
Two trucks, an Audi and Sauerkraut. Thirty years ago that would have been one hell of a joke in the Catskills*
The hood, with a little plastic sheeting and duct tape, would come in handy during rainy nights at the drive-in.
Yeah, I got the joke. :) You know, I kind of envy people who, when they get the word that company is coming, lay more gravel to widen the driveway rather than clean the extra bedroom.
Glad it wasn't just me who thought that.
Probably equal the National debt of several smaller countries.
"If it had a Chrysler badge I'd say straight-to-rental, but I don't think Acura sells cars to rental agencies. That fact Hertz their Budget given they're an automobile Enterprise and leads them to have to be Thrifty when it comes to designing new models and base them on other, lesser models." This is what Avis told…
LOL! Either that or the guest house...
OMG, it's back.
Speak for yourself. The piercing eyes... the pouting lips... Ray's like Anderson Cooper in a prayer shawl. And when I found out he likes old(er) guys [jalopnik.com] ...oh, be still my restless heart...
That was a big +1 response regardless of which side of the aisle you sit on.
LMAO! Can't ever admit you're wrong, can you? The ad was humor, look that up and try to get some in your life.
Um, the end of the commercial was frogs falling from the sky... I guess you don't remember the end of things? Now, take some PTSD meds, curl up with a G.I. Joe action figure and watch the ad again. It's a great ad!
That was nice and with the extra time you've had, tomorrow's Morning Shift should be extra special! :)
One totally serious question. When the smoke clears, what percentage of the US market do you think GM will settle into?
Did it surprise you that Mike Levine (who I actually like) took the Silverado ad WAY too seriously in his position with Ford? Also, if you could be any Gabor sister, which one would you be and why?
Do you know that Barbara Walters pronounces "Atlantic" exactly like your last name?
I thought you left. Why don't you make some underware out of Silly Putty and go roll around on a newspaper?*