Nice summation of the Hemmings article.
Nice summation of the Hemmings article.
We have the spare room over the garage and if Ray would move his damned Bowflex that he never uses and his Playboy collection out of there then Wes could move back permanently. You talk to Ray, he won't listen to me!
Yeah, this is what gets Wes going. I can look at it awhile myself...
Old woman in a nursing home is in her wheelchair in the hall yelling "Super sex! Super sex!" An old man going by with his walker pauses, thinks for a second and replies, "I believe I'll have the soup".
The Lincoln Continental Mark III caused GM a lot of sleep. Bill Mitchell was convinced that people wanted a "classic" look so the Riviera got the boattail and the Eldorado went everywhere from the fake air scoops from the 1950's to coach windows from the 1930's. In a strange twist, the 1971 Toronado paid homage to…
I'm on pink here so I won't comment.
Do remember when someone said, "yeah, I drove the wheels off that damned car!" was a compliment?
Those are great memories.
#4. I'm really looking forward to seeing the new ATS in metal. I recently considered buying a '70 Eldorado, but I was upset because, during the restoration, they didn't bother to repaint the chrome trim on the plastic wood.
Perhaps fins off a '59 Cadillac?
Win-win. It PO's Honda fanboys AND BMW fanboys. Not only that, it can totally piss off crazy Vets still upset about WWII. Attack one car and get back at Japan and Germany.
If the car is good mechanically then some rubbing compound, a buffer and part of a Saturday might take care of the paint problems and screw the grill, it's just a cheap knock-around car.
Total batshitcrazypants rodeo which can only mean NP because not racecar.
Howard Hughes was another good example. I've read a number of books on Hughes and his "aids", "doctors" and "executives" did not do him justice, IMHO. He was the goose that was laying the golden eggs and his condition enabled those who should have helped him being left to gather and divide the eggs. It was costing…
I agree. Do you mind if I go in with you on this prize, I keep getting a "Comment Failed to Load" when I try to give my own prize. Perhaps a reply will go through.
I actually don't 'blame' Michael for anything. I think he had issues and people around him who enabled him and took advantage of him. Sometimes being rich and famous isolates you from reality and receiving the help you need.
The sad thing is that he was a nice looking guy before he started all the plastic surgery. The poor guy was talented and had so many issues. Another case of someone who would have probably gotten the proper help had he been poor.
Truth of the matter is that the Evo guy's car would have looked like this if he hadn't caught the Vet. This was one of the other vehicles he vandalized.