I was going with a Ford until you mentioned this and I looked at the door lock cover. I think you're probably correct.
I was going with a Ford until you mentioned this and I looked at the door lock cover. I think you're probably correct.
Mr. House offered to pay him money to steal the car and burn it making the disappearance of the vehicle appear to be a theft...
How many people have purchased/leased Volts? Doesn't GM have a large inventory of many models? This might not be as costly as it seems and a fairly cheap way to earn good press.
I have an imaginary $4,495 that I could loan you, but there's still the matter of picking it up or having it delivered. Get the COTD and $kaycog could probably find some hot woman to bring it to you...
He couldn't even get some slightly over-weight woman in a bikini to sit on the hood like the classier ebay and Craigslist ads.
I did CP simply because I am so sick of BMWs. Any product eventually reaches a saturation point and, for me, BMWs are there.
That woman has a talent that would serve well as a bartender. They could all use a good tan, however.
beer bottle openers
I'm very sorry to hear about Vinny and I'm glad you're home, Ray, to be with your mom. Tell your mother "Hi" and remind her she is always welcome at Jalopnik.
Thanks for the upload! I'm on the fence on this one. I'm questioning the exterior, but overall it looks like Cadillac sweated the details.
First, I like this car. Having said that, it's a shame that the last words most of these Shelby GT500s will hear is some redneck saying, "watch this".
Had this occurred at an In-N-Out, the man would have been performing.
At least it wasn't SNOW!
Did Peterson move the entire collection to Phil Hill for the month or just selected cars?
That was a major ROFLMAO!
Why do I get the impression that he can attend a family reunion without being stared at?
The rebirth of the muscle car has probably been one of the best things to happen to the American automobile industry since Detroit started fighting over towing and hauling capability in heavy-duty pickups. At the end-of-the-day, it really doesn't matter, but it gives the home teams something to talk and argue about. …
There's an accountant where I live who retired from IBM after 26 years of service. Being a bored accountant, he spent six week pouring over the Government's new budget. His conclusion? If the entire US Government were to suddenly go away, we still could not pay our current debts. Yes, the US Government is paying…
I prefer to think that Ray swiped one of the umbrellas.