
Fans of David Fincher’s murderous opuses Seven and Zodiac might get a kick out of this ’60s-era serial-killer movie”

The writers on this site just love to throw in quirky words and make flatulent descriptions, just for the sake of trying to sound sophisticated. Most of their reviews are a pain to read.

So it’s kinda like Teeth but with a butt instead of vagina.

People need to get over the fact that privacy is no longer a real thing. You’re being filmed by dozens if not hundreds of cameras without knowledge every day. All your internet and social network activities are being secretly recorded, analyzed, sold and taught to AI networks. Is any of this changing how you live your

After reading the review I don’t see why it got the low grade. Because band members are portrayed too “bratty, suburban and homophobic and there aren’t enough women in the film?

This review was written by a Russian troll. Fact.

Lezzie Borden.

This movie is literally poor man’s Venom. The premise is very similar and it even features Tom Hardy’s clone. But something tells me out of these two movies Upgrade is the better one.

Holy clickbait headline, batman!

A bad video game movie? Shocking!

Because they never made a Mary Poppins video game.

And a wapist.

Wow. I wonder what the guy who designed the SW posters was thinking back then and what he’s thinking right now.

I liked it. It was like a better version of Blair Witch Project. The ending was a letdown though.

This wasn’t a “fuck you” to Lucas and Abrams. It was a “fuck you” to the entire SW audience. It wasn’t Rian Johnson doing something different with story telling, it was him being a boring unimaginative asshole. People had expectations about Rey’s origins and this dipshit just went “meh”.

|Well there’s that Jesus movie coming out soon, so you’re all set for 2018.

Ok, what is this 9/11 shit I keep hearin a bout. Help a niogga out.

I’ll be sending this link to an animal activist friend of mine. She’ll be THRILLED!

Ok, but who will play Anakin Skywalker?