
Last week, I had to give a short talk to everybody on my team at work. I nailed it— charming, hit key points, got three or four solid laughs. This video feels like that felt: It ultimately doesn’t amount to anything and will be quickly forgotten. But I looked really cool in front of my peers.

Curry is the most autistic player in the game. He’s the very best at one thing and is a drooler at everything else.

A report on Golden State that has no impact on the results? When did ESPN buy Deadspin?

Jesus Christ. That’s like Superhero tough.

Of course you know that Hockey players aren’t your normal, run of the mill, human beings. Don’t forget, they actually had to come up with a rule to make these guys wear helmets.

I also like that he zipped off the ice hastily to go get patched up instead of moaning for ten minutes under the spotlights.

...the winger scored on a two-on-one breakaway...

Yeah, this is awesome. Tough dude.

What strikes me as funny is that in the interviews I’ve seen with hockey/basketball players when they’re asked about the other sport all the hockey players say they love watching basketball and all the basketball players are like “oh ya first time I went to a hockey game was unreal those guys are really tough”. It’s

In fairness to Calvert, this is bad ass af.

this is the lamest fucking phrase in the English language

So much irony.

It’s not that. It’s just that it’s hard to be impressed by a great play when the guy is too busy celebrating it to make it actually mean anything.

Came here to say exactly this.

But after making the block, if Randolph turned back to the court instead of looking into the crowd, he might have blocked Dorsey again instead of allowing to Dorsey to score. I know. I’m that guy. But I think Dorsey staying with the play is the lede.

Followed up by a terrible defensive play! 

The Fresno Bee wrote about it because he was arrested in Fresno, and that’s what local reporters do. (Source: I’m a local reporter)

You don’t feel conflicted about it because your job is to create ad revenue by driving up page clicks. Nothing like a good ol’ fashion schadenfraude to get that going. If you, and the various websites that make this group up, are going to over-moralize everything, you have to start with your own actions. Only fair.

No one has thought about Cliff Harris since 2013 and he hasn’t done anything to garner any attention to himself.