Or the time he threatened to rape an alleged rape victim.
Or the time he threatened to rape an alleged rape victim.
In 2009, Michigan place kicker Brendan Gibbons raped a female student. Taylor Lewan, Gibbons’ roommate at the time, then called the victim and threatened to rape her again if she pressed charges.
Marcus Mariota drove the Titans down the field in under two minutes, down 7. Completed a pass that would have taken them inside the five with less than 30 seconds left, receiver gets stood up and they wrestle around for a while as forward progress got stopped. Lewan comes FLYING in like a fucking missile and rams…
T burke dont do context
Yep. Still a damn good in-game analyst though.
Let’s blame the idea of old crusty mlb guys and take a swipe at them on an unrelated story. Douchespin 101