Douche Gossage

The guy who’s bragging about being better at trolling than me, thinks this makes him not pathetic. Wow.

You’re kinda pathetic.
Enjoy commenting on Deadspin all day again tomorrow! Like you did today and yesterday and the day before and the the day before...I’m assuming.

But at least you can sleep well tonight, knowing you know your internet memes better than a stranger. Meme knowledge is a crucial component to being a

Question for everyone on that other Schwarber article...

Sticking with the “this was a terrible decision by Maddon” thinking?

I mean, obviously, some version of ‘yes’. I’m just curious to see how y’all double down on your takes.

Last I heard he hasn’t been medically cleared to play.
So, debate away, if you want. But I don’t think it’s an actual option.

I love when people who spend enough time on Deadspin to be out of the grays with an avatar and acarefully groomed persona mock others for not having a life.
Clearly *I’m* the one looking for meaning in my life by dropping in once every week or so.

Cool fact no one gives a shit about, bro.

How’s that, editor?

This is the level of debate I expected when I bowed out. Thanks for proving me right!

Cool story, bro.

Pop quiz: Name one thing in the world that is bad that isn’t the liberals fault.

I bet you fail.

How many real native american people have you seen that look like this in daily life?
Is it starting to make sense?*

*Of course not. You’re a racist.

Pret-ty. Pret-ty. Pret-ty BAD.

“Am I allowed to like the logo, but hate what it represents?”

In this case, no, because the logo is literally what it represents. The logo itself is the problem.

Now...let’s say an undeniably awesome logo like the KoolAid Man somehow became the symbol of white nationalism...then I’d say, yeah, you can like the logo and

Good point. This is totally not racist now.

You’re doing the Lord’s work, Brian.

The nomenclature thing is a well-meaning white person idea.

Many native folks prefer Indian or American Indian. And a lot would actually prefer you referred to them as a member of their tribe (since the idea that all Indians are the same thing isn’t really non-racist).

The guy is dressed like a cartoon stereotype.
How many native people have you met who look like this?

Analogy - how many black people look like this:

Cheer for the Cubs. Then both types of shittiness will be losers.

Pictured: Trump voter Nov. 9

Redacted -nevermind. Going to do something more productive trying to put some toothpaste back in a tube.
People who legitimately think worshipping a flag is more important than enacting the ideas that flag stands for aren’t worth it.

You can go back to not caring about baseball. KC isn’t going to be good again for a little while.