
Dude this was the first thing I hated Bout the game. He does all this zombie stomping and bad guy crushing yet has to be as been as MOMMA MURPHY when he talks.  It was like someone who had bo idea how an American biker outlaw talks.

This is how we as a people are seen as Monkeys or beasts or negro or spades. Dude is somewhat right if we had to we would or our children would fight along these folks to preserve are so called underprivileged life yes we still have the struggle but we cant just dismiss the fact we are implying all whites are bad or

Omg folks he is a rapist.....convicted rapist that he violated a women and deystroyed her life and also made the black strong hard working men look bad. If you want to double standard and give love for a football player who has been wronged do it for Colin Kapernick. Not this trash 1 love

No you just want to get what u did not earn your ancestors earned it not you or your generation if you think that not be the case well you are wrong you have earned nothing not a damn thing so u take a group of protesters who protested a black man who got killed for robbing a white coo and a store owned by a foreigner

Yeah sign of the times shit up 4 count it 4 people get gunned down and you automatically call it the sign of the times SHUT UP

We all r but she deserved it
