Douche Gossage

Even tho Bush started it by throwing a pitch at him that could have injured him?

It’s almost like justifying retaliation is a dumb idea.

How about this. Hypothetically, if you’re such a tough guy that you think violence is the best way to solve your problems...maybe don’t cry like little baby because you lost in the

I know people complained about Odor’s slides last year. So...not that different of a context.


Example: “Was Rougned Odor’s slide into second baseman Joe Panik in the fourth inning a dirty play? Bumgarner rendered his opinion when asked about the hard slide, saying, “It sure

And vice versa. (You bias is showing.)

Cue the mocking...but as a pacifist I can honestly say “No, he did not deserve to be punched in the face.”

I’m not a boxing expert. But does landing one punch that doesn’t even make the guy stagger count as a win?

Poe’s Law alert!

Question. Not snarky but serious.

People complained about most of these slides last year. Thanks for playing.

Jesus. Only like 12% of these comments AREN’T a terrible pun or a GoT reference.
Deadspin commentariat bringing their D+ game today.