(((doubt'n T)))

Yeah. I loved it. No exclamation marks. But I REALLY LOVED IT.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Haven't seen Coven but I thought Freak Show FAR surpassed Roanoke. Hotel is hot! Lot's of sex! and of course GAGA! Beautifully shot! Costuming! Lighting! Characters! The best I've seen.

Couldn't possibly be any worse than that Roanoke disaster. Bring Back Gaga!

That little gem got an outloud laugh! Thanks. And Kendrick would be proud to know he's a different black person.

"Avalon" was a stupendous record!

thank dog!

It's getting harder and harder to tell. The ignorance of the tRumpeteers is staggering and they're becoming much more vocal in their ignorance, putting it on display more and more often for all to see.

Surely this is sarcasm? Can you be so incredibly stupid?
Obama's TERMS 2008-2012, 2012-2016
9/11, 2001

…compassionate, sincere, honest, chivalrous, virtuous…

Best write-up to date! "Just look at that fucking thing!"

Couldn't you have spared us more Kanye and done something stupendous with this like Kendrick Lamar?

There was (and maybe still is) a rock station in LA called KROQ back in the 90's that had musicians come into their studio and perform on a regular basis. They compiled a couple of albums of these performances only available through them. I'll never forget and wish I could find the one that had Bozz Scaggs doing an

That made me smile.

Denzel? Adrien Brody?

Please. Make. It. Stop.

And you didn't answer the question. Influential to whom?
If I had kids, I wouldn't want them to be influenced by Kanye. Kendrick on the other hand…

Sorry to have offended your openmindedness. Anyone who can validate an "artist" who flaunts such abhorent lyrics as "I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex / I made that b*tch famous" deserves to be labeled a minion, even a mindless one. It's as if this character's following has taken an oath to promote his

Influential? To whom? Mindless minions with no knowledge of true artistry in music. Fashion? I could design t-shirts with holes in them. Pop culture? Exactly. Pop. Culture. Genuine culture and aesthetics, not so much.

To put Mr. Kardashian and David Bowie in the same sentence is sacrilige. RIP Ziggy. Madonna? Meh…kinda the same drivel.