
Harvard Pres.: Nasty business, that zero. Naturally, Harvard's doors are now closed to you, but I'll pass your file along to … Brown.

Anyone else noticing how Brown University keeps popping up in random references in the MCU. Christine Everhart is a Brown alum, Andrew Garner had his Ph.D from Brown, and there was that flat joke in the Arena Club about admitting someone from Brown. It seems to pop up a lot more than, say, Dartmouth. Is this just a

Did anybody else get an uncanny valley vibe off of Princess Leia? Something about the way she looked and moved felt really out of step with the other characters, it was unnerving.

I get that this sort of show plays fast and loose with science. That's great. But the notion of using one present bomb to do a CTRL+F on all other bombs in Central City using magnets hurts my brain. They aren't made of n-th metal or anything, there's not some scientific platonic ideal of bombs. Can they use the same