Bob Kelso.
Bob Kelso.
My son sort of did that, but instead of being scared by the extended disc tray, he was more like, " toy." Then he proceeded to rip the tray out of the three month old unit and I had a sad.
Resume, Colbert-style!
My fingers are crossed. Hopefully it's Songbird's origin story.
Flour, butter, and eggs.
They must be a level 5 vegan - they won't anything that casts a shadow.
I was asked if I could be a character from Star Wars, who would it be.
Dayum. The guy who owns it - and isn't using it - renewed it for a year. I has a sad.
My expires soon. If the squater doesn't renew, how do I make sure I beat all the other sumbitches and get it?
Acacia was minding her own business, lying out on the beach, when the plastic hook holding her bikini top together snapped off.
This biggest issue I see with that is the PC market when Steam was born was very different from what the console market is today. I think it was primarily those differences that made Steam acceptable.
It's probably done more for the items that can't be purchased with bells.
I hear you about RPGs. Rare, single use item? Into the pile of never-use you go!
But truly, it's not just homeowners who do a poor job. In my home, the previous owner had the basement finished by a contractor. They installed a bathroom with an ejector pump and then walled the pump in completely. Absolutely no access to it. As a young and stupid first-time home-buyer, I didn't notice this for years…
A fattening symbol for obnoxious levels executive pay and the death of the living wage.
The consequences should be clearly noted in the description available before buying the game. Otherwise it's a big FU to people who dropped their hard earned for nada.
It's like $110. What? No one else wraps a ton of ones with a hundo?
Ha, the last time CS was on sale, I had it in my cart and then remembered...and abandoned that cart with prejudice.
Obviously it's going to be on a curve, but since the average gamer skews older these days, some are undoubtedly professionals with some business savvy. I think the hardest part - and this applies to any hobby - is separating the passion when discussing business.