
That video has been posted on the Gawker blogs before, and already roundly thrashed by logical commentators, so you probably shouldn't assume people haven't seen it.

Games have DLC and merchandising. And no movie ever makes a profit. Hollywood accounting.

You don't have $1000 of anything on Steam. They're worth $0.00 and they're not yours. What you mean is you've paid over $1000 to rent some games. And just because PC gamers have accepted it, doesn't mean everyone has to. Some of us are console gamers explicitly to avoid that kind of anti-consumer BS.

So Microsoft still wins? LOL. But you have to consider the comments in that link are from the more tech savvy, engaged gamers who are online, and able to research and build gaming PCs.

Sony understands that, in the US, 20% of all PlayStation 3s and 30% of all Xbox 360s sold have never been connected to the internet. That's a huge chunk of potential revenue to take a dump on, and Sony would be more than happy to have 30% of the Xbox 360s install base jump to their system with minimal effort on their

I'll be so much more productive.

There's a number of reasons that have already been given in the comments, but consider this one, that I haven't seen much: something like 30% of Xbox 360s in the United States have never been online. So basically, this is like a big middle finger to a third of your install base. Telling a big chunk of you customers to

The difference is simply this: Steam came along to save a dying market that already prohibited used games. The ecosystem and consumer base have different expectations and demands. I left PC gaming for all of the bullshit that Microsoft is adding to the XBone.

Personally, if I had to pick just one system from current gen, I would have picked the 360, which is probably what makes this giant anti-consumer pill hard to swallow. The most intense hate often has its roots in love.

Possibly, but tell me how they'll do it w/o an online requirement?

I've read this a lot, but every single brand new game I see on Steam or Amazon is at or near console retail price. Who is this myth of cheap launch games designed to convince?

That's fantastic. Peer-to-peer sales killed, and Gamestop and Amazon more powerful than ever. Not to mention what a confusing clusterfuck it will be to actually buy used games. Which publishers allow it? Which don' it on all games? You can buy this one used, but only play to the game's midpoint? Consumers lose.

If that's the case, then my money stays in my pocket. I'll take up a new hobby.

It's like putting out fires with gasoline. The only thing they have at this point is hope that early buyers will get it before they know about this crap.

So for all the bitching about Gamestop, all the community has done is given the publishers and console manufactures the justification to destroy peer-to-peer games sales and increase the power retail outlets have over the used game market. Great.

I was also a CS major in college...for a time. Ended up with a psychology degree. Not sure how that happened, but I think it was a heavy mixture of beer, Diablo, and getting up at the crack of noon.

Almost 30? Sorry, bro, it's over. J/K. I'm on the ass end of my 30s and am in the middle of an MBA in IT Managment, during/after which I will also be self-learning coding, web design, and graphic design.

Ethics aside, I simply can't be bothered with the time it takes to drive to a store to do this. I do most of my product research when B&Ms are closed, and the places I shop online have pretty good return policies and customer service, so in general, if it has the features I want and a good price, I'll order it and see

It's quite simple, really: greed.

All I've ever wanted was an honest week's pay for an honest day's work.