
Don't you also have to pay sales tax on PSN? It's been sooooo long since I've made a purchase there, I honestly don't remember.

Won't they still be selling downloadable games? Some of those clock in well over a geebee.

Yes, memory cards from a decade old system make a much better price comparison than say comparably sized and similarly functioning memory cards available now.

Boo SONY! I guess I'll follow suit and preorder the first edition. Hopefully by the time I need more memory Lexar will swoop in and rescue us from the proprietary demon!

Why don't we just call them 'pay to cheat'? Really if you don't like a game enough to play it to advance, why play it at all?

I think when that particular day comes, we'll all be wondering why we didn't take a stand at this point, but that's the old historical rub: people have never been able to see beyond next week.

I actually have a subscription to beef jerky from Amazon. Every couple of months, they send me some, but I have a tendency to run out much too fast.

Ugh...I'm on a diet, trying to win a competition at work, oh and be healthier and live longer, too, I guess. I haven't had delicious, tasty fries for nearly a month now, so that first picture is pure torture. Carrot sticks are a poor substitution.

I have a feeling this one is destined for the bargain bin, so I might give it a whirl then. I'm taking banjo classes now, anyway, so it would just sit on my shelf at this point, anyway.

You should really drop the 'logic' from your handle, as you're clearly far too emotional to have a rational conversation about the games market. A robust used market has always been one of the hallmarks of healthy capitalism. Putting downward pressure on demand, which will be the end result of devaluing used goods,

As someone who just received a N64 with a smattering a games as a gift, I wholeheartedly agree.

I expect 100% of every book, movie, CD or record I might buy used. Why not games? Are you saying that the games industry is so fragile it can't handle the same type of used sales that other industries have for decades? Most media has to even contend with lending from libraries. It doesn't get any cheaper than free.

Their prices are anything but arbitrary. It's based on supply and demand. No matter how upset you are with the prices they offered, someone out there is keeping them supplied at that price. Why would they pay more, in that case? Gamers always forget, it takes two to tango.

PC games used to be sold used. I bought plenty of them back in college, but then they started locking everything down, the used market crashed and the PC games market in general followed after. It's enjoying something of a revival now because of Steam, but for a long time, it was essentially dead in the water.

I believe you mean the Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act which overturned significant parts of Glass-Steagle.

They're all unforced, self-imposed errors. I'm expecting Hastings, as the face of the company and ultimately the one who gave the green light to these horrible ideas to step down (forced out) soon. I see spending more time with his family in his immediate future.

I don't think timing was an issue. I think people didn't like the idea of having two accounts for what was previously one service. What if your bank wrote you and said they were spinning off your savings from your checking and you'd have to create a whole new account? Or if your grocery store decided to spin off their

You would run into legal action before you were able to Trademark 'Elder,' because Zenimax would sue you.

I realize that, I meant simply those were more likely scenarios where a class action would make sense but seeking arbitration, hell, even waiting on the phone for customer service would not.