
The video shows that it's all a matter of light.

Having one black person doesn't balance the whites!

Is there $10,000 up for grabs for the originals of these images, too????

Dr. Muffley...ob-gyn...

Here's a vital conversation to have: where should we draw the line at doing asshole things because those asshole things "create a conversation"?

Hi, I'm new, can someone please explain to me how using another woman's body without her permission to prove some stupid point that everyone already knows is a really cool and feministy thing to do?

This is one of the most horrible ideas jezebel has ever had. If Lena Dunham hasn't publicly disapproved of these photos, who are you to? I have never commented on an article before, but this one crosses the line, especially with the bounty. disgusting. And what if she didn't want two page, un-retouched spreads of her?

Knock Knock

That is literally the worst explanation he could have given. Holy shit.

Frances Conroy steals. the. show. No wonder they keep her to such short scenes. I nearly fell over laughing when they panned out from Cordelia and Myrtle was actually playing the theremin.

Dude, don't forget Myrtle's, "don't be a hater" comment regarding her theremin. Pure gold.

It was distracting for Ryan Murphy, anyway. Jumbled episode.

I actually have strong feelings on this. I never insist a child hug/kiss me even if the parents ask. Even small child have a sense of personal space and should have some control of being touched. If they are okay with that touch they would do it.

I mean, I thought this and I'm black. James Bond is white. It's not like saying 'lady doctor' with the underlying assumption that doctors are all male. James Bond is a white character. I think we're cheering without critical thought here. If he was playing Lara Croft, we'd say 'a male version of Lara Croft' and he

Can we talk about how all of season 4 is on the internet for free? Everyone's freaking about about season 4 episode 1 and I'm just like man I saw this months ago.

They will have to get another maid, CASE CLOSED

This made my life a lot better.


NEVER has this been more appropriate.