I love all the bum-sniffing they do. The lesson here is -
I love all the bum-sniffing they do. The lesson here is -
Nope, I wouldn't recommend the film to anyone. The wolf of wall street is bad. Not because it's provocative but because it's disgusting and offensive for no reason. Its misogyny is not an exposure or a critique, it's a display. The message it pretends to be sending is just an excuse for the provocation that will…
This comment is my boyfriend.
Yep, that's a perfect way to think of it. I guess the problem I find is that finding the reason can be difficult sometimes.
Yup. And I lost any impulse to make excuses for his writing after meeting him. So far he's the only writer I've met who didn't manage to find my face. (I mean, I've got nice boobs and all, but they're not that fascinating.) I've heard similar from other women.
Oh man. What a burn. The company actually protects employees and stipulates right on the bill of lading your package will most likely fall up to 48 inches. I bet you use "fragile" stickers too.
Outta curiosity, what happens if a guy goes in to buy it?
Hi, dumbass. Check your title.
This wouldn't be the first movie which had a "prince" (or would-be love interest) who is a "disingenous dickweed"... it's just that Beauty and the Beast didn't make it a twist, they made it clear from the opening scene.
Pretty sure he Beliebs it.
Actually, as a Jew, I don't go around saying "happy hannukah" to everyone for seven days when greeting them. And I would never get upset if someone didn't say it back to me.
If I went around saying "Happy Ramadan" or "Happy Eid" to everyone during my religious holiday, people would look at me like I'm nuts. So no, it's not rude to say "I don't celebrate, but enjoy your holiday."
Thank you! i was just about to say this. I have to pretend I'm Christian because some other person thinks "my religious holiday blessing=have a nice day"? Paalease.
Why is not lying about a religious holiday douchey? Why should non-believers feel compelled to pretend to believe in something they don't for the sake of some random, whiny conservative christian?
Why does every article mentioning Phil Robertson only allude to his homophobic comments and not the racist remarks? As a queer who has lived near rednecks, what he said about gay sex is about par for the course for that subculture. But his fond nostalgia for Jim Crow days is really disgusting.
Ew. No offense, but that show sounds like a terrible idea.
Dear Mr. Deen,