
Would you rather have sex with your mother once or wear one Rollerblade for the rest of your life?

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I posted this comment just over an hour ago and I've already attracted 6 angry white people defending the sanctity of comedy! Now that's comedy!

See, this is why so many feminists of color avoid this website. Whenever there's a topic about racism, you have a bunch of people defending it to the best of their ability. I'm just laughing at how many people are like, "he wasn't making fun of black people's intelligence! he was making fun of black people's names!"

"When people show you who they are, believe them the first time."-Maya Angelou

Guess what, I don't really give a fuck.

It makes me disproportionately happy that he seems so happy and has a super hot hubby. Something about him on alias just made me want to hug him.

When you compare common reactions to Jennifer Lawrence with, say, Kristen Stewart, it seems like a pretty good example of "women can't win." One often appears pleasant and is called fake for it. The other often appears sullen and is called a bitch who shouldn't act if she doesn't want to appear in public looking

Is your argument strengthened in any way by effusively stating in the title and text how much you "love us"? It sounds like you're holding our hands at the kiddie table. It's a subtle ad hominem attack, it's demeaning, and it really hurts your credibility for any of us to listen to how we should talk about each other.

Thus spake someone who has noooooo idea about drag culture.

"Tranny" is simply the trans equivalent of "faggot." Simply treat it as such and you'll be fine. (Perhaps it used to be a term of endearment to some degree, but times and usage change.) Some LGBs use "faggot" among themselves; some straight folks use it in the company of LGB friends. In most contexts, though not all,

If they're fine with it, fine, but don't call me a tranny.

And why to trans people get to decide how this word is used??? "Tranny" is used for both transsexuals and transvestites—including drag performers. While trans people have every right to demand to be distinguished from drag performers, they don't get to tell drags what language they can use. These are two totally


I am going to continue to call my trans friends trannys and they'll probably continue calling me and themselves tranny or faggette or whatever. Sorry.

And Mama Pope's hair game is on point.

I'm appalled that so many people are appalled at the fact that the world is full of idiots..

I think the fact that she started out by ordering native craftspeople to produce what she wanted and selling them at a profit was.... maybe an early indicator that she wasn't going to be the worlds greatest employer. :/