@gebinsk: I think it looks amazing no matter the color.
@gebinsk: I think it looks amazing no matter the color.
The first time, with the casing off, he had to wait a little more than 5 seconds to show that he'd start losing reception. The second time, with the case on, he only showed it for a couple seconds which seems a little odd to me...
@MrBlahBlah: I'm glad some people agree.
@draper3000: Ahaha thanks but yes indeed I'd gotten it from the novel!
@Gimmi Mørgäikkönën: cool story bro.
I'm so sick of everyone bashing Apple already. I went from PC to Mac and I haven't regretted a second of it. Can't you people just let it fucking be? PC is good and Mac is good, it's all about what you prefer so seriously just shut the fuck up because your dimwit arguments won't affect any of their sales nor will they…
@FruityLemon: Apparently the jailbreak is tomorrow also. Although I've seen somewhere that it's already been released for certain basebands.
@JabbaB: I don't understand why people like you just don't stop complaining.
@HardwareWars: Voldemort?
@Atsumi: aha seriously what is that?
@Kyle VanHemert: It's fine:)
@violent peas: At this moment, I've confused my own..
@violent peas: At this moment, I'm confusing my own...
@violent peas: That makes an awful lot of sense.
@sleepneed: lol I live in eastern Canada and even I know how many timezones California is away from here. No offense really.
@I'm@work,shhhhh.: Also interesting; I thought I'd make the switch because I thought the live wallpapers and widgets make it much nicer.
@Jomolungma: I honestly don't understand.
I recently thought I'd make the switch over to a Nexus One from the 3gs since the announcement of Froyo.
@FalconFour: That is clever. Thank you for pointing it out; I would've never known.
@out0mind: I'm pretty sure that no company in the world would actually give one of its products a name which would cause them to automatically be filed a lawsuit.