F Stop

Just ordered two yesterday and four shirts! Did you go for the extra pair of pants?

Reading more than one book at a time is something I've been doing for a while now, and which I recommend. Another good practice—don't feel compelled to finish books you don't like.

Sure, he does add some amazingly funky stuff to Speaking in Tongues and Remain in Light. But the fact that they had to bring in a ringer to do it, and also that there are no such solos on the spare, edgy music of '77, Fear of Music or Buildings and Food (arguably a backlash against early seventies prog and AOR), puts

There was this awful incident in China where this lady fell into the machinery at the top of the escalotor when the platform collapsed and was she basically eaten by the descending stairs within. The only good thing was that she managed to fling her baby to safety at the last minute.

But thats a big difference, in fact the critical difference. I can't think of a single solo in any Talking Heads song.

Aside from being someone with strong opinions on kids' music, you have also shown yourself to be a master of the apostrophe, as well as the umlaut.

Aside from being someone with strongly held opinions on kids' music, you have also shown yourself to be a master of the appostrophe, and the umlaut.

Jacques Loussier Trio actually do a very good job of jazzing up classical.

8 alligators all around…my kids had the DVD

The talk is cheap when the story is good.

Yes…but the actual review is very well written and funny.

I also liked the bit about the steak looking like a corpse in a t-boned truck

…and a three hundred dollar pair of socks! Even thirty years later, with inflation, its still funny.

This is hilarious.

Haemophilia? Isn't that….A blood disorder?

Goobers, Raisinettes,
Chocolate covered treats.
Raisinettes and goobers,
Mighty good to eat.

Good luck! Japan is super cool.

Maybe you can pretend to have been misunderstood? (I didnt say I loved you, I said I loved Hugh!).

Thanks. I just assumed that due to the fact they are both such talented and high profile composers (albeit operating in a somewhat different milieue) there must be some relation, kind of like Moby and Herman Melville.

Is he related to the composer?