
Wait, there’s a new Dragonball show? SPOILERS!!!

It’s quite funny, because based on the tone of his comments, and then reading yours, it appears you’re the one that needs to do some maturing.

You know Adam & Eve? From the Bible? That’s where the name comes from. Guess what Adam is in French? Adam.

Yeah I’m actually pretty terrible with Winston, but I find his gorilla voice soothing.

Meh, getting worked up over the things people mod into games is pretty silly.

I was reading a forum when I came across a couple of posts by a woman who claimed to be in danger. Alarmed, I did some sleuthing and was able to find her personal information which included her location. I then called *HER* local police station and told them what was going on.

How does this ruin video games? If some asshole beat his wife during dinner would that ruin dinner for you? But good job finding the wrong people to blame in a story when their is a pretty clear villain. Impressive.

There’s an old adage saying “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.”

It’s wonderful that PA’s artist has evolved his skills to be able to draw wonderfully nuanced facial expressions. To problem is those expressions barely fit into the context of most of their conversations, to the point that it feels like the

I never understood this immersion argument.

Agreed. I already play Fire Emblem with one hand.

I don’t know why some people are being so apocalyptic about this.

But will it feature a petting mini game?

Vintage Warfare
Artisanal Warfare
Pacifist Warfare
The Warfare on Drugs
Warrior Warfare
All Is Fair In Love And Warfare

No, see, there’s actually a miniature black hole situated just above and to the side of her head. This pulls light waves into it, thus causing the cone effect. SCIENCE!

I think in animation it’s not too much of an annoyance, because there’s usually something else going on, scenes are quick, subtitles etc.

But in stills it’s so...gah x.x

Perspective is pretty hard to nail perfectly though.

I’m interested in finding a review from someone who didn’t struggle so much with the controls. I remember that being a common complaint with some other Nintendo games with an unusual control scheme... like when Twilight Princess was released on the Wii there were a lot of professional game journalists who complained

I think this nails it. Petty attempts at justifying your sexual wants are what makes the whole thing silly.

Ah, yes. I remember JRPGs and their habit of demure/timid female characters that look like they just left a Victoria’s Secret.

Lousy comic book feminists and their... light-hearted... good humored take on tit windows... and they’re also showing tits... and nipples... in said, um, feminist... moral... you know it’s a lot easier to say you’re dense as fuck

I assume by looking at random samples of your connection, your health versus your opponent, having a requirement that it has to happen X number of times, etc.